Today was my weekly check up. I am now 37 weeks and 2 days along. Wow... only 19 days to go or less! I started the day off by working till 12. My stepdad was nice enough to close early for the holiday. I had to be at the doctor at 12:20 p.m. so I had to fly over there practically. Once I got there, I learned that the doctor was running about an hour behind. UGH WHAT!!! I had to take a step back and realize that when I go in for delivery, it may make the doctors behind also, so I have to be understandable. But Scott was meeting me there and then we were going to El Nopal for lunch. He has to bartend tonight from 3 pm till 4 am at the casino, and we wanted to spend these couple of hours together before he had to go in. Finally about 12:50 they called my name... WOOHOO! Not so much, they just wanted to go ahead and weigh me, check my blood pressure and get a urine sample. I then went back out into the waiting room and waited till 1:30 to hear my name called again. Finally, I was back in a room and the doctor quickly came to check on me. I am still 1 cm dilated and 30% effaced.... boooooo! She also let me know that he is sitting very high. This must be why I am having horrible heartburn. She measured my belly and let me know that I am measuring at 39 weeks. She said most women she measure at 37 weeks only measure about 35 or 36 weeks. This means that Tyler is a big boy. Well, a hefty boy as she said. She told me she would like me to get an ultrasound at my next appointment and that if he is measuring big, they may go ahead and take him early. So, I'm not sure if this means this time next week I could be a mommy or what?! I am still in shock that Scott and I could be the parents of a really big baby....I mean, we are little people! Granted, Scott was a big baby, I was not, I was a normal size 7 lbs 9 oz and that was at 2 weeks late. So, Wednesday at 2 pm we are having our ultrasound and at 2:30 is my doctor appt. I can't wait to see him again and possible have my little baby boy finally in my arms. Scott is starting school on Wednesday and will be in class from 2 till 3:15 so my mom will be taking me. Scott is going to let his professor know the situation and if he has to leave, then so be it. I think they will understand if his wife is going to have a baby.
How far along: 37 weeks 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: 35 lbs total
Maternity clothes: I'm so tired of them... I just want my normal clothes back
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Barely.... I sleep better when I take naps through out the day but I can't do that with a day job.
Best moment last week: Spending Christmas with my whole family
Movement: He has had the hiccups alot lately... PIG!
Food cravings: Chocolate Chip cookies and Mt. Dew
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: I had contractions all day yesterday but they were just mild ones.
Belly Button in or out: Out, The turkey timer is out for all to see
What I miss: Walking up the stairs without getting out of breathe
What I am looking forward to: Seeing my baby on the ultrasound and possible delivering next week
Milestones: I am now full term, so if Tyler decides to come now, they will not stop it.