Here I am at 29 weeks pregnant. That means only 11 weeks till my due date and 8 weeks till I am full term. I can't believe how fast everything is going now. I feel like we just found out we were having a boy. We are having a 3d ultrasound done today and I can't wait to see who our son looks like. It will be nice to have a face with the name.
Tyler's crib is to be delivered on Thursday. I CAN'T WAIT! Once I put it together, I think it will finally hit me that this is all about to happen really soon. I hope it's as gorgeous as in the pictures.
This coming Sunday is one of my 3 showers. This is for my dad's side of the family. My cousin/ god-sister is throwing this for me and I'm so excited. She lives in Nashville, so I will take every oppurtunity to see her.
How far along: 29 weeks! WOOHOO
Total weight gain/loss: I think I am up 2 lbs from my last doctors appt
Maternity clothes: Ready to get out of them and back into my normal clothes
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: I am sleeping much better thanks to Tylenol PM
Best moment last week: Finding out I passed my glucose test
Movement: Tons... He rolls and rolls and pokes and kicks
Food cravings: Cereal... That's all I want to eat anymore
Gender: Boy
Labor signs: I think I was having Braxton Hicks at Costco last week but that's it
Belly button in or out: Out
What I miss: Being able to get out of the bath tub easily. It's so hard now
What I am looking forward to: Our 3d ultrasound and my 1st baby shower
Milestones: Feeling on my belly and feeling his elbow, butt, foot, etc.
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