This past Sunday, my cousin Lisa threw me a baby shower. It was a tailgating theme since Tylers room is all done in sports. We had red chili, white chili, queso and chips, veggies & pawpaw dip and fruit & dip... It was so YUMMY! It was so good to see all my cousins, aunts, and other relatives. We played a couple games but mostly just talked and visited with everyone. Here are a couple pictures....
Mom & I

Tylers gifts

Opening the Build A Bear my dad & Jean gave us.
Tyler got so many great things.... Highchair, swing, playmat, clothes, burp clothes, and so much more... My dad & stepmom went to build a bear and made a teddy bear with a UL shirt, jeans and baseball hat on. When you press the hand, it's Tylers heart beat. We had recorded it the first time we heard it and they had put it in the bear for us to always have. Jean said my dad picked out the heart, and made a wish on it for Tyler. I don't know how I didn't start crying. I can't believe my dad and Jean did that.
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