Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon.
WooHoo! I am now 4 months pregnant and feeling great. I am feeling little one moving all day now and I love every second of it. We have 1 week till we find out the sex. I had another dream last night that it's a boy.... This will be the third one. I keep catching myself calling it "he". We have been tossing around some names and I am sure we are using Shane as the first name. We can't decide if we should use Daniel or Douglas for the middle name. Daniel is Scott's first name and a family name on my side and Douglas is his dad's middle name and his brother's first name. I think Shane Douglas Huelsman flows really well. But I let this be up to Scott so we'll find out. We have been looking at some consumer reports on strollers and other baby items and quite frankly... I'm exhausted. There are good and bad things about everything. I have already gotten my diaper bag. My mom bought me a Coach graffiti diaper bag for my 26th birthday. I never thought the day would come when I would want baby stuff for my bday. I absolutely love it.... It's very big and it's also reversible, so it's like 2 diaper bags in 1.
This past weekend was my birthday. It started with my puppies waking me up at 8:30 and taking them outside. I decided that I needed more sleep so I curled up on the couch with my pillow and blanket and fell back asleep for about an hour. I got up and scrubbed our house. My dad & stepmom were coming over so I did the dusting and carpet cleaning and other household things that don't get done everyday. My dad & stepmom came over about 5:45 and we headed to El Nopal for my birthday dinner. I love mexican so I was very happy. It was good to visit with them since they were leaving for a trip to Las Vegas the next day. After dinner, we went to our favorite new hangout... LOWES! We are trying to get the little things around the house done. We then headed to Target to spend my birthday gift cards. I got an amazing body pillow that is really helping me sleep at night. Lexie even likes to sleep on it. Overall I had a pretty good birthday. I used my birthday money to buy myself a new birthstone ring... I love it!
I will be posting my 18 week picture later on today.
How far along: 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure, but I'll find out next week
Maternity clothes: My wonderful husband bought me all kinds for my bday. That's what I have to wear now.
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure, but I'll find out next week
Maternity clothes: My wonderful husband bought me all kinds for my bday. That's what I have to wear now.
Stretch marks: None... WooHoo!
Sleep: Now that I have my body pillow, I'm sleeping so much better.
Best moment last week: Someone actually recognized I'm pregnant
Movement: Tons
Food cravings: I am eating alot of spicy foods.... and Gatorade. I have noticed that I am eating alot of lemons too.
Gender: I am still thinking BOY, We'll find out in 6 days
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out: It's still in but changing
What I miss: Staying up late with my husband
What I am looking forward to: My doctors appt tomorrow
Milestones: 4 months now
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