Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.
Today, I am officially 17 weeks pregnant. I can't believe how fast everything is going. I feel like it was just yesterday I told Scott that I was pregnant. I am getting so close to my half way point, I can't wait. We go back in 2 weeks to find out the sex of the baby. We still haven't decided on a boys name. We got a book with 100,000 baby names and still can't make up our mind. Our baby is moving and flipping like crazy. Everytime I try to fall asleep, little one wakes me up. There is no way to describe the feelings I have when this happens. It's starting to become more real to me. I am ready to start decorating the nursery anyday now. We have a border that needs to be taken down first and I think the past owners may have super glued it to the walls.
This past Saturday was our 1 year anniversary. I can't believe that it's been a year already. So much has happened since that day. We bought a house, got a new dog, found out we were pregnant and Scott got a new job. So much to take in during your first year of marriage. We actually didn't celebrate our anniversary till Sunday. Scott had to work Saturday night at the casino. We went to Carrabba's for dinner, which was amazing. I think we ordered enought food for 4 people. After that, we just went home and watched TV and spent time with our puppies.
I spent Saturday at the "Dahl" family reunion. It's always this time of year. I always look forward to it. My cousin Matthew came in town with 2 of his 3 kids from Oregon. I haven't seen him in 13 years. He looked the exact same. I was so excited to see all of my family and all the kids. They grow up so fast. I can't help but think that we will have a little one there next year. It was the perfect day for an outside party. But when I left at 9 p.m. I was exhausted and went home and straight to bed with my pups.
Here is this weeks update:
How far along: 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 5 lbs
Maternity clothes: Having a hard time wearing regular tops.... Going to Motherhood Maternity soon
Stretch marks: none... WooHoo!
Sleep: Go to bed early now, usually between 9:30 and 10:30 I fall asleep on the couch
Best moment last week: Actually looking pregnant and not fat
Movement: Tons, especially after I eat or trying to sleep
Food Cravings: I really want some salt water taffy.... How weird is that?? and Fazoli's bread sticks
Gender: I can't tell.... Heartrate is still around 150 to 160 bpm so I think girl but I honestly think boy
Labor signs: None
Belly Button in or out: It's starting to make its way out. I have noticed that I play with it alot... weird
What I miss: Staying up late
What I am looking forward to: I really want Scott to feel the baby move and kick. I can't wait to see his face.
SO EXCITING!! I cannot wait for the 25th to find out. :) I am so incredibly excited for you guys!!