Abby Rose:

Mod Butterfly:
Mud Puddle Pink:
Town & Country:
Frogs & Bugs:
Mod Turtle:
Night, Night:
Puppy Tales:
My favorites for girls are mud puddle pink, naples, isabella and abby rose... I love the brown & pink.
My favorites for the boys are pinwheel, venice, frogs & bugs and bailey.
I didn't get a chance to post on Tuesday. It's been pretty hectic this week. So here is what's going on....
How far along: 13 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 2 lbs. from what I was when I found out I was pregnant
Maternity clothes: I am wearing my maternity jeans and I have bought a couple tops but my regular tanks still fit too.
Stretch Marks: None... WOOHOO! Just getting a heat rash on my belly.
Sleep: Restless.... Can't seem to get comfy anymore.
Best moment last week: I can now feel my uterus and its the weirdest feeling ever..
Movement: None yet... but I'm waiting.
Food Cravings: I have been eating alot of BLT's lately.
Gender: GIRL GIRL GIRL... At least that's what I keep being told from friends and family.
Labor Signs: None... Too early
Belly Button in or out: I have noticed that there is a change. It's not as deep as it once was.
What I miss: Working out for 2 hours.
What I am looking forward to: Our next appt in 11 days and I can't wait to feel some movement.
Milestones: My belly is getting harder everyday. I love feeling it!
Okay...so yes I agree with the darker furniture...although I hadn't thought of crayons so good idea there. My favorite two for girl are Town & Country and Abby Rose, and my favorites for boy are Frogs & Bugs and Mod Turtle. I think they also have a Mod Ladybug for girls that is super cute. So there's my thoughts. I CAN'T WAIT TO FIND OUT WHAT YOU'RE HAVING!!