As you move into the second trimester, baby shifts into the growth and maturation stage. After weeks in the critical development stage, almost all of baby's systems are fully formed.
Well, we finally made it... I am officially in my 2nd trimester now. From what I have heard and read, this is the most exciting. I am so happy that the nausea has finally gone away. I am still pretty tired and I am noticing that my back is starting to ache more. I have my appetite back thankfully. I can start eating Italian foods again. I bought my first maternity shirt this weekend with my mother. It will be perfect for fall. I think I am so lucky for having a winter baby. My mom said it was so hot the summer she was pregnant with me. I feel so sorry for her now. I feel like I get pregnancy hot flashes at times. I have already started picking out the furniture and paint colors for the nursery. The room we are using for the nursery is now a lovely shade of Pepto Bismol. It's gotta go! If we do have a baby Bella, I don't want everything PINK. I want something that will coordinate with the rest of our house. I will keep everyone posted on what I find.

How far along: 12 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 3 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Bought my first shirt but have not worn it.
Total weight gain/loss: 3 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Bought my first shirt but have not worn it.
Stretch marks: None… I love Tummy Butter
Sleep: Sleeping very well
Best moment last week: laying out… Belly and all
Movement: None that I know of
Food cravings: Sugar and Spice donuts…
Gender: I still think girl
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out: in
What I miss: Girls Nights
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex in 7 weeks!
Milestones: I am in my 2nd trimester… Finally.
Other news.... We have finally started painting our family room, foyer and stair case. It's all open so we had to pick a color that would work for it all. I found the perfect color... Butternut Wood by Behr. I absolutely love it. I couldn't even wait 2 hours to start painting. I finished the foyer part and I will probably start the stair case tonight. Our family room is 2 stories so I will have to have some help with that. I don't like heights so much.

In puppy news.... Daisy and Lexie are really enjoying this warm weather. They both like to lay out on the deck and get some rays. They are so sweet. Lexie has become very protective over me lately. I think she knows about her brother or sister.
Daisy is H-U-G-E! And I love your little bump. :)