How far along: 15 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: gained 3 lbs according to my doctor
Maternity clothes: Jeans and tops… Can’t find any cute shorts
Today, Scott & I went to our 15 week check up. We got to hear the heartbeat again and the doctor said that we have a very cooperative baby. Yeah, give it time... Once we deliver, he or she probably won't be too cooperative. The doctor asked if we were going to find out what we were having and we said YES! She wanted to guess and she thinks its a boy. HAHA... That's all my family has is boys. Either way, Scott & I just want he or she to be healthy. It would be nice to just be able to call it by a name. The doctor said everthing looks great and that I am very healthy and to not change my eating habits. Scott had been concerned that I hadn't been eating enough, but I have gained 3 lbs so I am doing something right. We can't wait for our next appt August 25th. My mom and Tom, Dad and Jean & Bruce and Rhonda will all be in town so we can tell them in person. Things are going so well, I just hope they continue to go this way.