With bones and cartilage starting to form and vital organs beginning to function, baby is making major progress. Body length will almost double in the next three weeks, and arm joints are now working. (Soon, legs will too.)
Scott & I had our 10 week appointment on June 23. We finally got to hear the heartbeat and it was strong as could be. 180 BPM to be exact. It was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. To know that there is really a baby is there is undescribable. Scott's face lit up and he smiled. My mom also went with us and that was so special to me. I am her only daughter & I want her to be part of my experience in every way. We go back in 5 weeks to hear the heartbeat again. Then 4 weeks after that to find out the gender and have our first ultrasound. Scott & I are considering buying a fetal heart monitor for home. This way I can check the heartbeat after working out and to ease my mind in between appointments. We have already picked out a boys name. We really like Logan Scott Huelsman. For a girl, we have been having some trouble. I really wanted Kayleigh Rose or Avery Rose but those got shot down. We are now leaning towards Isabella Rose Huelsman and calling her Bella.... French for beautiful. I think it's gorgeous and Scott picked it out. We will definitley have Scott as the boys last name. First because it's Scott's middle name and b/c this is a family name on my mom's side. My maternal grandmothers maiden name is Scott and my brother and my nephew's middle name. We chose Rose for a girl b/c this is my middle name and my mothers middle name. This is also my grandmothers first name. I love keeping a family name. So we have just under 9 weeks till we find out if we are having a little Logan or Bella. As long as its a healthy baby, that's all that matters.
On another note, Scotts 28th birthday was on June 24. We didn't do much of anything. I had a training class all day but got out a little bit early. I headed home and we went to the gym. That was a tough day at the gym b/c it was in the 90's that day. After that, we went to pick up his nephew Drake at Scott's mothers house. We had some errands to run before we got dinner. We ran to feeders supply to get Lexie & Daisy food and some Apple Bitter so the chewing on furniture will stop. We finally got to BW3's for dinner and by this time I was starving. I am to the point where if I don't eat every hour, I feel as if I am going to die. After I stuffed myself with 8 boneless wings and onion rings, we headed to softball. Scott played at 9:30 so I knew this would be a long night. The game finally ended and Scott's team lost by 1 run. I was so mad!!!! By the time we got home, I was ready to crash. 11 o'clock is now my bedtime. I felt bad with it being Scott's birthday but I am growing his child in my belly.
That's pretty much it for now. I will make sure to take another picture at 11 weeks on Tuesday.
Can I just tell you how much I LOVE reading your blog. Hearing all about all of this is just absolutely fascinating to me. :) Congratulations, and I can't wait to find out what you're having!