We found out on Friday May 15 that we will be expecting our first bundle of joy! We were not planning this but we couldn't be happier. We can't wait to see if we are having a he or she. We can't wait to see what he/she looks like. I know Scott is going to be an amazing father and I hope that I can be a great mother just like mine was to me.
We told all of our parents this weekend and we didn't get the reaction we wanted... It was better! I can't wait for my mom to come home from Florida and start decorating the baby's room. I think my mom and I are really going to bond through out all of this... Scott keeps reminding the dogs that they are going to have a little brother or sister in January.
On another note... Scott got a new job on Friday. He has been working so hard to get this job and I am so proud of him. He will be working at HorseShoe Casino. It's a long drive but this is going to be a great career for him and something that we will do great at.